Reporter's Notebook

The art and science of the interview

Archive for March 2024

Which Way?

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Since about 2020, a good friend and excellent graphic artist named Jennifer Rombach, has been working with me on this idea. Like many people, I’m always thinking about how parts of the world work, and always looking for a sort of Unified Field Theory of how it all works together. That is a fools quest, at least metaphysically. But we all take little bites of that elephant; trying to find ways to help us understand what motivates people to do the things they do, and more importantly, to get them to think about them.

So, I got the idea for these cards, which I call “Quandaries.” A quandary is simply defined as “a state of complexity or doubt.” Also, it reminded me of the word, quad which of course, means “four.” So, Quandaries, is a card game where users are presented with two options and their opposites. Each choice is different from every other choice and forces players to think about the circumstance each quadrant creates. I also plan to create a set of video shorts explaining those circumstances for a few cards so people can more easily understand how to navigate them.

For example, in the card above, the UL quadrant asks, “Is there someone you love and like?” The UR quadrant asks, “Is there some you love but don’t like?” The LL quadrant asks, “Is there anyone you don’t love, but do like?” And the LR quadrant asks, “Is there anyone you don’t like and don’t love?” Each question makes the player think about people and situations they know in ways they may not have before. I expect it will give them a new perspective on something that, up to that point, may have been an ignorable thought.

I’ve come up with wording for hundreds of these. Meanwhile, every one Jen has created is as elegant as it is beautiful. Eventually, Jen and I will box up some of the best ones and package them as a game at a ComicCon or something. To learn more about other ideas I’m considering, visit

Written by Interviewer

March 26, 2024 at 07:55